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Ronald G. Bernardo
Multimedia Specialist (ilc.upmin.edu.ph)
University of the Philippines Mindanao

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Free website free Web hosting
Best free web hosting site ever
always free

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Company


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Multi-Player Flash Game with Socket Server

Project name: Multi-Player Flash Game with Socket Server
Description: A multi-player flash game that has a socket server
Technology Price: Negotiable
Status: On Going
Core Developer: Ronald Garcia Bernardo
Date Started: March 14, 2009

  • Real time interactivity
  • Has a chat capability
  • Multi-Platform
  • and more to come
if interested to buy the technology just contact me

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Flash Web Desktop Application

Project name: Flash Web Desktop Application
Description: A Flash Wrapper
Technology Price: Negotiable
Status: On Going
Core Developer: Ronald Garcia Bernardo
Date Started: Feb 14, 2009

  • Loaded flash from a url dynamically
  • Has the capability of adobe AIR that can be desktop web application.
  • Can be a flash games portal
  • Enable flash to communicate with the Human Interface Devices (e.g. Joysticks, gamepad etc.)
  • Multi-Platform
  • and more to come
if interested to buy the technology just contact me

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

File Handling

C++ File Handling I/O

The most fundamental point to understand about the C++ I/O system is that it operates on streams. A stream is an abstraction that either produces or consumes information. A stream is linked to a physical device by the C++ I/O system. All streams behave in the same manner, even if the actual physical devices they are linked to differ. Because all streams act the same, the same I/O functions and operators can operate on virtually any type of device. For example, the same method that you use to write to the screen can be used to write to a disk or to the printer.

In its most common form, a stream is a logical interface to a file. As C++ defines the term “file,” it can refer to a disk file, the screen, the keyboard, a port, a file on tape, and so on. Although files differ in form and capabilities, all streams are the same. The advantage to this approach is that to you, the programmer, one hardware device will look much like any other. The stream provides a consistent interface.

A stream is linked to a file through an open operation. A stream is disassociated from a file through a close operation.

There are two types of streams: text and binary. A text stream is used with characters. When a text stream is being used, some character translations may take place. For example, when the newline character is output, it may be converted into a carriage return–linefeed sequence. For this reason, there might not be a one-to-one correspondence between what is sent to the stream and what is written to the file. A binary stream can be used with any type of data. No character translations will occur, and there is a one-to-one correspondence between what is sent to the stream and what is actually contained in the file.


File Handling Presentation
Phone Book Sample System


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Excel PivotTables and PivotCharts Topics

Chapter 7: Working with PivotTable Reports
Chapter 8: Creating PivotCharts
A simple thanks will do.. :)

The requested file is here

Excel charts and pivot tables.part1.rar
Excel charts and pivot tables.part2.rar
Excel charts and pivot tables.part3.rar
Excel charts and pivot tables.part4.rar


Working with pivot tables and creating charts

PivotTables provide an excellent tool for quickly analyzing data values from an Excel list or an external database by creating a cross-tabulated summary of the data values. With a PivotTable Report, you can dynamically customize which columns from the list that you want to summarize.

PivotChart combines the dynamic, cross-tabulation ability of the PivotTable with the visual aspect of a chart. This allows you to dynamically analyze your data values in a chart format and to quickly spot any trend.
Although you can use PivotCharts with data from any source, they are best suited for smaller sets of data, because if you try to show too much data on a chart, it becomes difficult to interpret.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Worst Virus Ever (CNN) Hoax



A new virus has just been discovered that has been
classified by Microsoft as the most destructive ever!

This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by
McAfee and no vaccine has yet been developed. This
virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk,
where information for its functioning are stored.
This virus acts in the following manner:

It sends itself automatically to all contacts on your
list with the title "A Virtual Card for You." As soon
as the supposed virtual card is opened, the computer
freezes so that the user has to reboot.

When the ctrl+alt+del keys or the reset button are
pressed, the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus
permanently destroying the hard disk.

Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused panic
in New York, according to news broadcast by CNN.

This alert was received by an employee of Microsoft
itself. So don't open any mails with subject: "A
Virtual Card for You." As soon as you get the mail,
delete it. Please pass this mail to all of your

Forward this to everyone in your address book.

I would rather receive this 25 times than not at all.
Also: Intel announced that a new and very destructive
virus was discovered recently.

If you receive an email called "An Internet Flower
For You," do not open it. Delete it right away! This
virus removes all dynamic link libraries (.dll files)
from your computer. Your computer will not be able to
boot up!!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Flash RIAs vs. Javascript RIAs

Javascript RIAs (aka AJAX) don’t come close to the interactivity that developers can implement using technologies like Flash or Java. For example, there is no easy way of integrating with audio and video content, there is no ready-made toolkit of application widgets (tree-views, data-grids, etc). There are undeniable advanatages to the JavaScript RIA approach, however. So how do you decide whether a Javascript RIA (or “AJAX”, if you must) or a Flash RIA is right for the project you’re working on?

Download Size
Clearly DHTML pages will end up being smaller (on average) than Flash SWF files or Java applets (assuming a rich approach that doesn’t repeatedly download the html). If your client may be using a slow internet connection, a JavaScript RIA will have advantages. Similarly, if you’re application is going to be deployed on a very popular site (like google!), reducing downloads will also save you a lot of money on bandwidth.

Politics and Such
XMLHttpRequest is an API that belongs to Microsoft and is not part of the JavaScript standard. Given that Microsoft is NOT interested in open web-based standards becoming more powerful, there is a risk that the next version of IE will break XMLHttpRequest in a subtle or perhaps, not-so-subtle way. They wouldn’t even be guilty of violating a real standard if they did this, just a de-facto standard. And you can bet they would love to break all that cool code that google just finished writing!

Of course, if you do Flash or Java development, you are at the mercy of Macromedia or Sun, and the changes they make to their browser plugins. So which company you trust to “do the right thing” becomes a relevant question. In general, Java and Flash JVMs have been backwards-compatible, and Microsoft has an established history of keeping standards in constant flux to cripple their competition (a tactic that Joel Spolsky aptly calls “cover fire”). Draw your own conclusions.

It is definitely easier to hire “vanilla web developers” than people who can do real engineering using Flash. Drew McLellan writes

"It's hard to find good people who are also prepared to work with tools like Flash. I'm sure they exist, but finding someone who's a good Flash developer and is also geographically close and available for work is hard."

I’ve despaired at hiring good Flash engineers, and resorted to hiring Java Developers and retraining them. This approach works if you can keep your Java Developers involved and invested in Flash. But you just don’t face these kinds of staffing issues with JavaScript: there will always be web developers.

Integration with multimedia
One of the big advantages of Flash is that it natively supports streaming audio and video, something that obviously isn’t a part of DHTML. If you’re working with multimedia, Flash is definitely the RIA platform to build your application on.

Availability of UI toolkits
Flash and Java come with UI toolkits for such things as tree views and data grids. These components are absent in the Javascript world (although enterprising companies are moving in to fill the gaps: look for some introductions to the newer players in this space shortly on my blog). If that's important to you, that either Flash or Java are a much better option comparted to developing a JavaScript RIA.

Maintainable Code
Javascript development in general requires writing code that runs on different browsers and “degrades gracefully”. For example, there is a reasonable chance the XMLHttpRequest object won’t be present in a given browser: your code has to handle this. As jibbering writes:

“Even in IE the XMLHttpRequest object can often be blocked by slightly raised security settings (popular due to the commonly exploited holes of course)”

Writing this kind of code (in order to work on all browsers and degrade gracefully, everything is implemented two or three times) is annoying. Maintaining this kind of code is a real nightmare. When you depend on a plugin like Flash, compatibility problems are all but eliminated: as long as your client has the right plugin, your code should work.

On the other hand, writing maintainable Flash code is no picnic either. Actionscript (unlike JavaScript) is an object-oriented language, so there is the potential for extremely elegant and maintainable code. But unless you abandon the Flash IDE entirely (and good luck finding a Flash designer who can work without it) you will end up with a big binary FLA file that is hard for maintenance programmers to deconstruct and understand (see Flash Better Practices for the gory details). Here I’m going to give Flash the advantage, but it’s not a knockout blow: it's more of a judgement call.

I hope this article provides a beginning framework for deciding whether to implement your next RIA in JavaScript or Flash. The two technologies have very different profiles, and in many ways compliment each other, so both are likely to be quite important to web developers for the conceivable future. so there should be room for both approaches: no need to be a technology bigot! A nice debate on the topic is currently perolating in the Flash forums, and the discussion continues on Slashdot and elsewhere. As always, the space below is for feedback and discussion.

by Jonathan Boutelle

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Building a Decision Support System in Excel

  • Model of what a company's net income (profit) and cash flow will be in the next two years (2007 and 2008)

  • Data and formula - Download

    Scenario Summary - Download

  • spreadsheet would let him play "what if" with the pre-retirement and country club possibilities to see projected 2007-2012 personal finance results.

  • Data and formula - Download

    Scenario Summary - Download

  • spreadsheet that models the business decision

  • Data and formula - Download

    Scenario Summary - Download

    Memorandum - Download
    Presentation - Download


    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    Am I an IT professional?

    In my line of duty as multimedia specialist and information system analyst of interactive learning center in University of the Philippines Mindanao, Yes I consider myself as an IT professional.

    As a multimedia specialist I develop interactive learning objects, perform audio and video editing, design brochures, design electronic newsletters, design UI for websites and applications, also give suggestions on a design and, maintain and develop website. As information system analyst I never stop looking for new technology to enhance education, test, recommend and implement applications, provide resources in seminars and in tutorials, and develop applications to speed up a process. In addition I also perform electronic hardware maintenance including PC hardware and peripherals.

    As IT Professional I should never stop learning, gathering information and implement new technology.


    Monday, July 21, 2008


    I will post it soon :)

    Template may mean:

    • a stencil, pattern or overlay used in graphic arts (drawing, painting, etc) and sewing to replicate letters, shapes or designs
    • a pre-developed page layout in electronic or paper media used to create new pages from the same design, pattern, or style
    • Form letter, a standard letter in electronic or paper media used many times with details for individual recipients added

    Computer science and information technology



    Blog: HTML Template

    Category: Blog Template
    Type: HTML
    Name: Flora
    Demo: http://interactive-websites.blogspot.com/
    Download: Read terms and condition to avail the free template(in the comment area)

    Labels: ,

    Blog: XML Template

    Category: Blog Template
    Type: XML
    Name: Car Red
    Demo: http://blogxmltemplates.blogspot.com/
    Download: Read terms and condition to avail the free template(in the comment area)

    Labels: ,

    Blog: HTML Template

    Category: Blog Template
    Type: HTML
    Name: Yellow Flora
    Demo: none
    Download: Read terms and condition to avail the free template(in the comment area)

    Labels: ,

    Blog: Flash Template

    Category: Blog Template
    Type: Flash
    Name: Warship
    Demo: http://csitpro.blogspot.com/
    Download: Read terms and condition to avail the free template(in the comment area)

    Labels: ,

    Developed Interactive Learning Objects

    Click image to view

    • Enables the learner to distinguish the functions of transitional tags that show time sequence.

    • Enables the learner to distinguish the functions of transitional tags that show time sequence.

    • Enables the learner to formulate an effective research title and construct an appropriate statement of the research problem.


    Sunday, July 20, 2008

    Flash Games

    Flame Out GameFlash FodderFlu Birds ShootingGame with Death

    Gladiator ArenaGrave 2 GameGunMaster OnslaughtGun Run



    Newest virus looks like Internet link

    In a new and scary twist, a malevolent virus is being disguised to resemble a link to a Web page in an e-mail message.

    The "My Party" virus is in an e-mail offer of "new photos from my party." The line at the bottom, "www.myparty.yahoo.com," may look like a link, but don't click on it.

    Jimmy Kuo, of McAfee, a division of Network Associates, has feared that someone would use the antiquated DOS file extension ".com" to create a file that looks like a Web link. But he hadn't seen it done until Sunday, when the worm, which originated in Russia, made its first appearance in Canada. "It's sneaky," he says. "It fools the users in a different way than they've been fooled before."

    If launched, the virus (strictly speaking, a "worm") sends itself to the contacts in your Microsoft Outlook address book; you're safe if you don't use Microsoft operating systems. It also plants a "Trojan horse" program that can give someone else access to your PC.

    Most versions of the virus, which probably infected thousands of PCs, are only active through today. But "I expect to see more viruses like this," Kuo says.

    Make sure you keep your virus software up to date; and before you click on a link in an e-mail, make sure it's not actually an attachment, which could be a virus.



    Online Games

    Online games are games played over some form of computer network. At the present, this almost always means the Internet or equivalent technology; but games have always used whatever technology was current: modems before the internet, and hard wired terminals before modems. The expansion of online gaming has reflected the overall expansion of computer networks from small local networks to the Internet and the growth of Internet access itself. Online games can range from simple text based games to games incorporating complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously. Many online games have associated online communities, making online games a form of social activity beyond single player games.

    The rising popularity of Flash and Java led to an Internet revolution where websites could utilize streaming video, audio, and a whole new set of user interactivity. When Microsoft began packaging Flash as a pre-installed component of IE, the Internet began to shift from a data/information spectrum to also offer on-demand entertainment. This revolution paved the way for sites to offer games to web surfers. Most online games like World Of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI and Lineage II charge a monthly fee to subscribe to their services, while games such as Guild Wars offer an alternative no monthly fee scheme. Many other sites relied on advertising revenues from on-site sponsors, while others, like RuneScape, let people play for free while leaving the players the option of paying, unlocking new content for the members.

    After the dot-com bubble burst in 2001, many sites solely relying on advertising revenue dollars faced extreme adversity. Despite the decreasing profitability of online gaming websites, some sites have survived the fluctuating ad market by offsetting the advertising revenue loss by using the content as a cross-promotion tool for driving web visitors to other websites that the company owns.


    "Online gaming is a technology rather than a genre; a mechanism for connecting players together rather than a particular pattern of gameplay."[1] Online games are played over some form of computer network, now typically on the Internet. One advantage of online games is the ability to connect to multiplayer games, although single-player online games are quite common as well.

    Early online games

    Early networking and timesharing environments often featured games among their most admired features. The PLATO system's game gallery was famous, as was Maze War at Xerox PARC. When personal computers reached the general public in the 1980s, simple multiplayer text-based games, MUDs, were often played on BBS systems using a modem. These games were frequently based on fantasy settings, using rules similar to those in the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. Other styles of games, such as chess, Scrabble clones, and other board games, were available. Since continuous connectivity was often expensive as access was frequently charged on a per-minute basis, some games were set up as play-by-email games.

    First-person shooter games

    Main article: First-person shooter

    During the 1990s, online games started to move from a wide variety of LAN protocols (such as IPX) and onto the Internet using the TCP/IP protocol. Doom popularized the concept of deathmatch, where multiple players battle each other head-to-head, as a new form of online game. Since Doom, many first-person shooter games contain online components to allow deathmatch or arena style play.

    Real-time strategy games

    Early real-time strategy games often allowed multiplayer play over a modem or local network. As the Internet started to grow during the 1990s, software was developed that would allow players to tunnel the LAN protocols used by the games over the Internet. By the late 1990s, most RTS games had native Internet support, allowing players from all over the globe to play with each other. Services were created to allow players to be automatically matched against another player wishing to play or lobbies were formed where people could meet in so called game rooms. An example was the MSN Gaming Zone where online game communities were formed by active players for games such as Microsoft Age of Empires and Ants!.

    Cross-platform online play

    As consoles are becoming more like computers, online gameplay is expanding. The first online game console was the Japanese SuperNES, the Super Famicom, which offered an online service with the Satellaview. This service was however offered only in Japan. Once online games started crowding the market, open source networks, such as the Playstation 2, Dreamcast, and Gamecube took advantage of online functionality with its PC game counterpart. Games such as Phantasy star Online have private servers that function on multiple consoles. Dreamcast, PC, Macintosh and GameCube players are able to share one server. Earlier games, like 4x4, Quake III and Need for Speed also have a similar function with consoles able to interact with PC users using the same server. Usually a company like Electronic Arts or Sega runs the servers until it becomes inactive, in which private servers with their own DNS number can function. This form of open source networking has a small advantage over the new generation of Sony and Microsoft consoles which customize their servers to the consumer.

    Browser games

    Main article: Browser game

    As the World Wide Web developed and browsers became more sophisticated, people started creating browser games that used a web browser as a client. Simple single player games were made that could be played using a web browser via HTML and HTML scripting technologies (most commonly JavaScript, ASP, PHP, and MySQL). More complicated games would contact a web server to allow a multiplayer gaming environment.

    The development of web-based graphics technologies such as Flash and Java allowed browser games to become more complex. These games, also known by their related technology as "Flash games" or "Java games", became increasingly popular. Many games originally released in the 1980s, such as Pac-Man and Frogger, were recreated as games that could be played using the Flash plugin on a webpage. Most browser games have limited multiplayer play, often being single player games with a high score list shared amongst all players.

    Browser-based pet games are also very popular amongst the younger generation of online gamers. These games range from gigantic games with millions of users, such as Neopets, to smaller and more community-based pet games.

    More recent browser-based games use web technologies like AJAX to make more complicated multiplayer interactions possible.

    Massively multiplayer online games

    Massively multiplayer online games were made possible with the growth of broadband Internet access in many developed countries, using the Internet to allow hundreds of thousands of players to play the same game together. Many different styles of massively multiplayer games are available, such as:

    Browser-based MMORPGs

    Advances in browser-based technologies have allowed the creation of browser-based MMORPGs, using similar controls as other browser-based games.

    Due to current technology limitations, browser-based games cannot bring the same graphical or sound quality that custom-client MMORPGs can. Browser-based MMORPGs tend to be a little cheaper than full-blown MMORPGs.[citation needed]

    One type of browser based game that is slowing gaining in popularity is the community oriented MMORPGs. These games are all long running (weeks, months, years) games that have a large element of community interaction through external forums or chat systems. These games have a large community of players who must plan, coordinate and work as a team. These games all involve communities of players called tribes, clans, or alliances, who will plan joint attacks and defenses, trade key objects, and coordinate defenses.[citation needed]

    Online game governance

    With growing numbers of players, it becomes more difficult to maintain social order in online games due to the large amounts of information and freedom that are given to the players. Even though there are many online rules that are already established, wherever there are people, there are conflicts.

    More specifically, the advancement of technology allows online games to imitate the complex ecological, sociological, economical, and political dynamics of real life societies. Unpredictable societal dynamics such as hygiene, safety, and pollution require the society to form some type of organized regulation. Andrew Barry writes, "Regulation is often intended to protect and enhance the health and security of firms, cities and individuals." Like societies in real life, online games can warrant societal complexities and need some type of organized governance. [2]

    Popular online games are commonly bound by an End User License Agreement (EULA), which establishes a limited yet definitive social order deemed necessary by the creators of the game. The consequences of breaking the agreement vary according to the contract; however range significantly from warnings to termination, such as in the 3D immersive world Second Life where a breach of contract will append the player warnings, suspension and termination depending on the offense. [3] Enforcing the EULA is difficult, due to high economic costs of human intervention and low returns back to the firm. Only in large scale games is it profitable for the firm to enforce its EULA.

    Edward Castronova writes that "there are issues of ownership and governance that wrinkle the affairs of state significantly." [4] He has divided the online governance into "good governance" and "strange governance". Whereas people actually want to have governance but strangely, democracy still cannot be found in synthetic world. Castronova also mentions that synthetic world is a good test bed for government and management.


    Information Technology (info)

    Information Technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

    Today, the term information technology has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term is more recognizable than ever before. The information technology umbrella can be quite large, covering many fields. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as the management and administration of entire systems. When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology, or "infotech". Information Technology (IT) is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information. Presumably, when speaking of Information Technology (IT) as a whole, it is noted that the use of computers and information are associated.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Saturday, July 19, 2008


    The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a general-purpose specification for creating custom markup languages.[1] It is classified as an extensible language because it allows its users to define their own elements. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the sharing of structured data across different information systems, particularly via the Internet,[2] and it is used both to encode documents and to serialize data. In the latter context, it is comparable with other text-based serialization languages such as JSON and YAML.[3]

    It started as a simplified subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), and is designed to be relatively human-legible. By adding semantic constraints, application languages can be implemented in XML. These include XHTML,[4] RSS, MathML, GraphML, Scalable Vector Graphics, MusicXML, and thousands of others. Moreover, XML is sometimes used as the specification language for such application languages.

    XML is recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It is a fee-free open standard. The recommendation specifies both the lexical grammar and the requirements for parsing.


    What is a worm?

    Worms are programs that replicate themselves from system to system without the use of a host file. This is in contrast to viruses, which requires the spreading of an infected host file. Although worms generally exist inside of other files, often Word or Excel documents, there is a difference between how worms and viruses use the host file. Usually the worm will release a document that already has the "worm" macro inside the document. The entire document will travel from computer to computer, so the entire document should be considered the worm W32.Mydoom.AX@mm is an example of a worm


    What is a virus?

    A computer virus is a small program written to alter the way a computer operates, without the permission or knowledge of the user. A virus must meet two criteria:

    • It must execute itself. It often places its own code in the path of execution of another program.
    • It must replicate itself. For example, it may replace other executable files with a copy of the virus infected file. Viruses can infect desktop computers and network servers alike.

    Some viruses are programmed to damage the computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard disk. Others are not designed to do any damage, but simply to replicate themselves and make their presence known by presenting text, video, and audio messages. Even these benign viruses can create problems for the computer user. They typically take up computer memory used by legitimate programs. As a result, they often cause erratic behavior and can result in system crashes. In addition, many viruses are bug-ridden, and these bugs may lead to system crashes and data loss.

    Five recognized types of viruses

    File infector viruses File infector viruses infect program files. These viruses normally infect executable code, such as .com and .exe files. The can infect other files when an infected program is run from floppy, hard drive, or from the network. Many of these viruses are memory resident. After memory becomes infected, any noninfected executable that runs becomes infected. Examples of known file infector viruses include Jerusalem and Cascade.
    Boot sector viruses Boot sector viruses infect the system area of a disk; that is, the boot record on floppy disks and hard disks. All floppy disks and hard disks (including disks containing only data) contain a small program in the boot record that is run when the computer starts up. Boot sector viruses attach themselves to this part of the disk and activate when the user attempts to start up from the infected disk. These viruses are always memory resident in nature. Most were written for DOS, but, all PCs, regardless of the operating system, are potential targets of this type of virus. All that is required to become infected is to attempt to start up your computer with an infected floppy disk Thereafter, while the virus remains in memory, all floppy disks that are not write protected will become infected when the floppy disk is accessed. Examples of boot sector viruses are Form, Disk Killer, Michelangelo, and Stoned.
    Master boot record viruses Master boot record viruses are memory-resident viruses that infect disks in the same manner as boot sector viruses. The difference between these two virus types is where the viral code is located. Master boot record infectors normally save a legitimate copy of the master boot record in an different location. Windows NT computers that become infected by either boot sector viruses or master boot sector viruses will not boot. This is due to the difference in how the operating system accesses its boot information, as compared to Windows 98/Me. If your Windows NT systems is formatted with FAT partitions you can usually remove the virus by booting to DOS and using antivirus software. If the boot partition is NTFS, the system must be recovered by using the three Windows NT Setup disks. Examples of master boot record infectors are NYB, AntiExe, and Unashamed.
    Multipartite viruses Multipartite (also known as polypartite) viruses infect both boot records and program files. These are particularly difficult to repair. If the boot area is cleaned, but the files are not, the boot area will be reinfected. The same holds true for cleaning infected files. If the virus is not removed from the boot area, any files that you have cleaned will be reinfected. Examples of multipartite viruses include One_Half, Emperor, Anthrax and Tequilla.
    Macro viruses These types of viruses infect data files. They are the most common and have cost corporations the most money and time trying to repair. With the advent of Visual Basic in Microsoft's Office 97, a macro virus can be written that not only infects data files, but also can infect other files as well. Macro viruses infect Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access files. Newer strains are now turning up in other programs as well. All of these viruses use another program's internal programming language, which was created to allow users to automate certain tasks within that program. Because of the ease with which these viruses can be created, there are now thousands of them in circulation. Examples of macro viruses include W97M.Melissa, WM.NiceDay and W97M.Groov.


    Friday, July 18, 2008

    Ableton Live

    Ableton Live is a loop-based software music sequencer for Mac OS and Windows by Ableton. The latest major release of Live, Version 7, was released in November 2007. Unlike other software sequencers, Live is designed around the notion of being as much an instrument for live performances as a tool for composing and arranging.

    Ableton Live 7 LE Available NowAbleton Live 7 LE gives you an intuitive interface and pro features for recording, songwriting, remixing and DJing.


    Labels: ,

    Tuesday, July 15, 2008

    Requirements for using NETg (skill builder) online learning tutorials

    Operating Systems - Platform and browsers must support JavaScript and Java 1.1

    Intel Windows 95 (B) or

    Intel Windows 98 (SE), ME or

    Intel Windows NT 4.0 or

    Intel Windows 2000

    100 MHz Pentium Processor

    32 MB recommended

    800 x 600 display mode

    256 colors (1024 x 768 display, 16-bit color recommended)

    MPCI-compliant sound card w/speakers or headphones (if audio is desired)

    Microsoft compatible mouse

    TCP/IP services correctly installed and operating

    Web Browsers - Must support the html 3.2 standard

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 w/sp2 or higher

    Java support; your browser must support either .zip file archives (like Navigator) or cabinet files (like

    Internet Explorer)

    Access to a compatible Java Virtual Machine (Microsoft IE 4.01 SP2/higher or SUN JRE 1.1.7/higher)

    Netscape Navigator 4.74 or higher

    The following settings must be used

    Proxy settings in Browser: NONE, all switched off

    Java Virtual Machine:

    Two JVM’s exist that are supported by NETg: Sun’s JRE and Microsoft VM

    Due to a Legal Settlement between Sun and Microsoft, Microsoft have withdrawn the support for

    Microsoft VM and do not make it available any longer for download.

    Sun’s JRE can be downloaded from the Java Web Site http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp.

    A list of Operating Systems will appear. Click the relevant “Instructions” link and when you are ready

    to download the JRE, click on the “Download” button. Follow the prompts through the process as per

    the instructions.

    Accept all downloads of .TMP files NETg prompts the user to accept

    Ensure that cookies are allowed and not blocked.

    Setting security to medium on Internet Zone should allow everything that is required. Do not exit any

    windows that NETg opens except via the appropriate procedures i.e. OK button or other prompt, NOT the

    X in the top right hand corner. Doing this will not record the information about the course.


    Learning Objects

    A learning object is a resource, usually digital and web-based, that can be used and re-used to support learning.

    Learning objects offer a new conceptualization of the learning process: rather than the traditional "several hour chunk", they provide smaller, self-contained, re-usable units of learning.[1]

    They will typically have a number of different components, that range from descriptive data to information about rights and educational level. At their core, however, will be instructional content, and probably assessment tools. A key issue is the use of metadata.

    Learning object design raises issues of portability, and of the object's relation to a broader learning management system.


    There are various definitions of the term. As David Wiley observes, "the proliferation of definitions for the term 'learning object' makes communication confusing and difficult".[2]

    Most generally, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) defines a learning object as "any entity, digital or non-digital, that may be used for learning, education or training".[3] More specifically, and pointing out the extreme breadth of the IEEE's definition, Wiley describes a learning object as "any digital resource that can be reused to support learning".[4]

    The following definitions focus on the relation between learning object and digital media. RLO-CETL, a British inter-university Learning Objects Center, defines "reusable learning objects" as "web-based interactive chunks of e-learning designed to explain a stand-alone learning objective".[5] Daniel Rehak and Robin Mason define it as "a digitized entity which can be used, reused or referenced during technology supported learning".[6]

    Adapting a definition from the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, Robert J. Beck suggests that learning objects have the following key characteristics:

    *Learning objects are a new way of thinking about learning content. Traditionally, content comes in a several hour chunk. Learning objects are much smaller units of learning, typically ranging from 2 minutes to 15 minutes.
    * Are self-contained – each learning object can be taken independently
    * Are reusable – a single learning object may be used in multiple contexts for multiple purposes
    * Can be aggregated – learning objects can be grouped into larger collections of content, including traditional course structures
    * Are tagged with metadata – every learning object has descriptive information allowing it to be easily found by a search[1]


    The following is a list of some of the types of information that may be included in a learning object:

    • General Course Descriptive Data, including: course identifiers, language of content (English, Spanish, etc.), subject area (Maths, Reading, etc.), descriptive text, descriptive keywords
    • Life Cycle, including: version, status
    • Instructional Content, including: text, web pages, images, sound, video
    • Glossary of Terms, including: terms, definition, acronyms
    • Quizzes and Assessments, including: questions, answers
    • Rights, including: cost, copyrights, restrictions on Use
    • Relationships to Other Courses, including prerequisite courses
    • Educational Level, including: grade level, age range, typical learning time, and difficulty[citation needed]


    One of the key issues in using learning objects is their identification by search engines.[citation needed] This is usually facilitated by assigning descriptive learning object metadata. Just as a book in a library has a record in the card catalog, learning objects must also be tagged with metadata.


    A mutated learning object is, according to Michael Shaw, a learning object that has been "re-purposed and/or re-engineered, changed or simply re-used in some way different from its original intended design". Shaw also introduces the term "contextual learning object", to describe a learning object that has been "designed to have specific meaning and purpose to an intended learner".[7]


    Before any institution invests a great deal of time and energy into building high-quality e-learning content (which can cost over $10,000 per classroom hour),[citation needed] it needs to consider how this content can be easily loaded into a Learning Management System.

    If all of the properties of a course can be precisely defined in a common format, the content can be serialized into a standard format such as XML and loaded into other systems. When you consider that some e-learning courses need to include video, mathematical equations using MathML, chemistry equations using CML and other complex structures the issues become very complex, especially if the systems needs to understand and validate each structure and then place it correctly in a database.[citation needed]


    Sunday, July 13, 2008

    Define your Research Topic (info)

    Define your Research Topic

    Your research statement contains the major elements of the topic you are investigating. When you define your research statement you will want to find a balance between choosing a topic that is too broad or too narrow.

    It helps at this early stage of your research process for example, Transport costs in land locked countries, is an example of a broad research topic. There are entire books written on these subjects.

    To obtain more targeted information, you will need to think about looking at just one aspect of this topic. For example:

    What studies have been done on transport cost?

    What features make a country land locked?

    What are the elements used in transport cost?

    Depending on the context of your research, you may want to narrow your topic further. The sooner you can develop a broad subject into a focused topic, the sooner you can shape your research.

    A topic that covers too much material is a common problem for students. Depending on your interests, a general topic can be focused in many ways. In this case, the above the topic can be written as relationship between haulage transport cost and land locked countries.

    It is very important to identify key concepts in the process of refining your research topic.


    Why Should you be Interested in a Topic? (Info)

    Why Should you be Interested in a Topic?

    The second aspect of topic-selection is that you should be interested in the subject being discussed.

    Just how interested you are depends on how long your reactions linger. If you immediately loose your enthusiasm you aren’t that interested. If it keeps nagging at you, you probably have an interest that will sustain you throughout the research.

    Since you need a subject that will interest you long enough to complete the research process, use this rule to gauge your interest level. A solid research topic is always worth doing and doing well, but research is only as good as the time and effort put into it. Don’t choose a research topic because it looks easy.

    All research requires painstaking thought, writing, and reading before the proposal is finished. You might get by with a minimal effort, but you will have lost an opportunity to explore something meaningful to you. On the other hand, don’t choose a topic that is so complex that it can’t possibly be done effectively. You may attract the attention of your instructor or supervisor, but that isn’t solid basis for learning research.

    Choose a topic that truly interests you and will keep you going back again and again to research literature, your notes, or your own thoughts. You need not necessarily retain the first thoughts you had when you began to write your question. On the contrary, you may focus on one small aspect of the larger problem that you had never thought of before. However, this will not occur without your being intimately involved in the larger topic to begin with.


    Finding Research Topics (info)

    Finding Research Topics

    Where can topics be found, and how do you know they are researchable? In order to do research, the first step is to find a topic to research.

    Finding a research topic isn’t as hard as it seems at first. Once you develop the ability of looking for researchable topics, they appear everywhere. Experienced researchers become so good at spotting researchable topics they usually have at least a dozen ideas waiting to be investigated. But finding topics can be intimidating at first . . .

    This topic seeks to examine how research topics are identified.



    Naruto (NARUTO - ナルト - romanized as NARUTO in Japan) is an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto with an anime adaptation. The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a loud, hyperactive, unpredictable, adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and aspires to become a Hokage, the ninja in his village that is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of all. The series is based from a one-shot that Kishimoto first authored in the August 1997 issue of Akamaru Jump.

    The manga was first published by Shueisha in 1999 in the 43rd issue of Japan's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine and it is still being released with forty-four volumes. The manga would be later adapted into an anime produced by Studio Pierrot and Aniplex. It premiered across Japan on the terrestrial TV Tokyo network and the anime satellite television network Animax on October 3, 2002. The first series lasted nine seasons, while Naruto: Shippūden, a sequel of the series, began its first on February 15, 2007 and is still airing.

    Viz Media has licensed the manga and anime for North American production. The Naruto anime debuted in the United States on Cartoon Network's Toonami programming block on September 10, 2005, and in Canada on YTV's Bionix on September 16, 2005. Naruto began showing in the United Kingdom on Jetix on July 22, 2006. It began showing on Toasted TV on January 12, 2007, in Australia, which features the Manga Entertainment TV version and the German-language dub opening, although it could be watched on Cartoon Network in 2006.

    Serialized in Viz's Shonen Jump magazine, Naruto has become the company's best-selling manga series. As of volume 36, the manga has sold over 71 million copies in Japan.


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